Image Cropper

Crop your images easily

Drag & Drop your image here


How to Use

  1. Upload your image by dragging and dropping it or clicking the "Choose File" button
  2. Use the zoom buttons to zoom in or out for precise cropping.
  3. Use the rotate buttons to rotate the image.
  4. Select an aspect ratio or set a custom one.
  5. Drag the edges or corners of the crop box to resize it.
  6. Click and drag inside the crop box to move it.
  7. Click "Crop Image" to download your cropped image

Frequently Asked Questions

What image formats are supported?

We support JPG, PNG, WebP, and GIF formats.

Is there a file size limit?

Yes, the maximum file size is 10MB.

How do I select the crop area?

Click and drag on the image to draw a rectangle that defines the crop area. You can resize and move the crop box.

What does the aspect ratio do?

The aspect ratio locks the proportions of the crop box to a specific ratio.

How do I zoom and rotate the image?

Use the zoom in and zoom out buttons to adjust the image size. Use the rotate left and rotate right buttons to rotate the image.